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UK Flying 15 News

Notice of 2022 UKFFA Annual General Meeting
Jeremy Arnold 1559

Notice of 2022 UKFFA Annual General Meeting

To be held at HISC during Nationals

The UKFFA AGM will be held
Hayling Island SC, Sandy Point, Hayling Island, Hampshire PO11 9SL
08:30 am on Saturday 9th July 2022
Current agenda items to date:

1) Apologies for absence
2) Presidents Opening remarks
3) Minutes of last meeting (2021 available to members via the website)
4) Matters Arising
5) To receive the Financial Statement 1st January - 31st December 2021
6) Championship Venues and dates 2023:
  • Nationals Weymouth 21st – 24th September
  • Southern Championship
  • Inland Championship
  • Northern Championship
  • Scottish Solway 17th – 18th June

7) Update on FFI matters and rule changes
8) To elect the officers of the association for 2022 – 23:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Chief Measurer
  • Webmaster
  • Membership Secretary
  • Publicity Officer
  • Championship Secretary
  • To co-opt other roles as necessary & nominate the Auditors

9) Championship venues 2024
10) Update on Future plans and any matters from Fleet Captains
11) Any other business with the chair's permission
12) Close


We wish to receive nominations & volunteers for the following roles:
  • Vice President
  • Championship Secretary
Nominations and willingness to stand have been received for President, Secretary (General), Webmaster, Publicity Officer Chief Measurer & UK representative to FFI
For more information, please contact the General Secretary on 07977 591677 or [email protected]


Members wishing to review the accounts please make a request to the Secretary for a copy of the accounts.
Any questions to the accounts from members will be answered first at the AGM then copied into the minutes of the meeting

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